Saturday, January 15, 2005

"I Was, I Am, I Shall Be!"

A number of blogs mark the memory of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht who were murdered exactly 86 years ago. Socialism In An Age Of Waiting reproduces the last article Rosa Luxemburg ever wrote which includes this on the setbacks confronting the German revolution in 1919:
The masses are the crucial factor. They are the rock on which the ultimate victory of the revolution will be built.
And in a different tone, Norm quotes these lines
she wrote from prison less than two years earlier:
I feel so much more at home even in a scrap of garden like the one here, and still more in the meadows when the grass is humming with bees than - at one of our party congresses. I can say that to you, for you will not promptly suspect me of treason to socialism! You know that I really hope to die at my post, in a street fight or in prison.


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